March 12, 2025  
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    Hours Worked Report
Username:  *
From Date: (m/d/yyyy)  * 
To Date: (m/d/yyyy)  * 
* required 
1.   Export to CSV? (link to CSV file will be in the top right of the next page)
 Yes  No
2.   Paginate this report so each user's time is printed on a separate page?
 Yes  No
3.   Show punch-in/out details?
 Yes  No
4.   Display connecting ip address information? (only available if "Show punch-in/out details?" is set to "Yes".)
 Yes  No
5.   Round each user's time?
 To the nearest 5 minutes (1/12th of an hour)
 To the nearest 10 minutes (1/6th of an hour)
 To the nearest 15 minutes (1/4th of an hour)
 To the nearest 20 minutes (1/3rd of an hour)
 To the nearest 30 minutes (1/2 of an hour)
 Do not round
Time Clock System